저는 싱크패드의 오랜 팬 입니다.
처음 산 노트북도 싱크패드의 560이라는 모델이었고
그 이후에 240, 570, x21, x40, x60, x201t까지 다양한 모델을 사용 했었습니다.
그러다가 IBM의 PC사업부가 Lenovo로 넘어가고 Thinkpad가 예전같지 않아지면서 점점 그 마음이 식었는데요,
싱크패드의 그 삼색 IBM마크는 마음을 아직도 설레게 하죠.
싱크패드의 개발자 중 한명인 David Hill은 레노보 공식 블로그에서 레트로 싱크패드의 부활을 알렸습니다.
그동안 루머로만 돌던 7열 키보드의 귀환이 사실이 된 것 같습니다.
기사 공식 링크 : http://blog.lenovo.com/en/blog/retro-thinkpad-its-alive/
다음은 기사 전문입니다..
I’m sure many people have seen the recent leaks related to the Retro ThinkPad initiative I started nearly 2 years ago. There’s talk about display aspect ratio, resolution, keyboard, pricing and much more. Adding fuel to the rumor fire, the Lenovo commercial segment executive leader, Christian Teismann, even gave it a brief mention at the recent Lenovo Transform event in New York City. (Read the original blog that got the ball rolling here.) The social media response to the concept was staggering.
I know it’s been a long time since I’ve talked about the concept, but Lenovo has intentionally chosen to remain quiet on the topic. It took a lot of critical investigation to evaluate technical feasibility alternatives, display availability and the overall business case. Lenovo has never been keen on broadly sharing details concerning unannounced products. Retro ThinkPad has not been granted an exception to the corporate policy.
At this point, it seems like the cat's out of the bag. There are certain things I can now confirm. Yes, Lenovo will be making a special edition ThinkPad as part of the 25th anniversary celebration. It’s aimed at enthusiasts and superfans that were kind enough to share their thoughts about what the laptop might be. As with any new product we develop, there are always technical and cost limitations but I think where we landed is quite impressive. The product will embody many of the things people asked for.
It has a wonderful black rubberized coating, three TrackPoint caps, and a keyboard to die for. I will proudly carry one. Exact pricing and availability are not finalized but I can assure you it will not cost $5000! I have no idea how that rumor got started. I wish I could say more about this special product but for now I can’t.
I’ve held early development hardware in my hand, powered it on, looked at the screen and even typed on it. Those who have seen it can’t help but smile. Please be patient, there’s more to come. It’s alive.
David Hill
요약하면, 싱크패드 레트로 모델이 2년간의 고민 끝에 25주년 특별판으로 발매될 것이고, 확실한 것은 가격이 $5000(500만원!)은 아닐 것이라는 점입니다.
블로그의 댓글로 사람들은 이미 열광하고 있는 중이네요.
저도 어떻게 나올지 기대가 됩니다. ^^
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